Sunday, May 29, 2011

تاريخ الصيدله و تطورها

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 10:28:13 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Diabetes Drugs Avandia, Avandamet, and Avandaryl To Exit Retail Pharmacies « WebMD Newsroom

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 09:11:31 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] خلاص وقف التعامل به ذه الادويه لمرض ى السكر

خلاص وقف التعامل بهذه الادويه لمرضى السكر
Gamal Alhadad 23 مايو 07:11 مساءً
خلاص وقف التعامل بهذه الادويه لمرضى السكر
Diabetes Drugs Avandia, Avandamet, and Avandaryl To Exit Retail Pharmacies « WebMD Newsroom
‪WebMD's editorial staff on the latest news from the world of health.‬

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علاج جديد قد يحل مشكلة آلام الظهر

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 01:56:05 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

Gamal Alhadad 24 مايو 11:56 صباحاً
علاج جديد قد يحل مشكلة آلام الظهر
علاج جديد قد يحل مشكلة آلام الظهر

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Monday, May 23, 2011

ASQH - خبراء يحذرون في يوم الصحة العالمي: ثروة المضادات الحيوية مهددة بالزوال

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 01:14:42 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] أكد أن هناك مؤشرات خطرة تفيد بوجود مقاومة من بعض. ..

أكد أن هناك مؤشرات خطرة تفيد بوجود مقاومة من بعض أنواع الميكروبات لعدد من الأدوية، «هناك مقاومة سجلت لكل من أدوية السل، والملاريا، والإيدز، فلم تعد هناك استجابة للأدوية المتعارف عليها لهذه الأمراض»، وهذا الأمر يستدعي الانتقال من خطوط العلاج الأولى إلى خطوط العلاج الثانية، والتي عادة ما تكون مكلفة وكفاءتها أقل.  ويضيف د. علي «أيضا هناك عدد من الأمراض التنفسية سجلت فيها حالات مقاومة للمضادات الحيوية، علما بأن الأمراض التنفسية تمثل أعلى حالات الوفيات في الأطفال في دول الإقليم»، فبعد أن كان علاج هذه الحالات سهلا من خلال بعض المضادات الحيوية البسيطة كخط علاج أول، أصبح الآن العلاج صعبا بسبب مقاومة الجراثيم للأدوية.
Gamal Alhadad 23 مايو 11:14 صباحاً
أكد أن هناك مؤشرات خطرة تفيد بوجود مقاومة من بعض أنواع الميكروبات لعدد من الأدوية، «هناك مقاومة سجلت لكل من أدوية السل، والملاريا، والإيدز، فلم تعد هناك استجابة للأدوية المتعارف عليها لهذه الأمراض»، وهذا الأمر يستدعي الانتقال من خطوط العلاج الأولى إلى خطوط العلاج الثانية، والتي عادة ما تكون مكلفة وكفاءتها أقل.
ويضيف د. علي «أيضا هناك عدد من الأمراض التنفسية سجلت فيها حالات مقاومة للمضادات الحيوية، علما بأن الأمراض التنفسية تمثل أعلى حالات الوفيات في الأطفال في دول الإقليم»، فبعد أن كان علاج هذه الحالات سهلا من خلال بعض المضادات الحيوية البسيطة كخط علاج أول، أصبح الآن العلاج صعبا بسبب مقاومة الجراثيم للأدوية.
ASQH - خبراء يحذرون في يوم الصحة العالمي: ثروة المضادات الحيوية مهددة بالزوال
تحت شعار «معًا نجابه مقاومة الجراثيم للأدوية»، يطرح يوم الصحة العالمي لهذا العام 2011 قضية مقاومة الميكروبات للعقاقير المعالجة لها وهي المشكلة التي يحذر خبراء من أنها ستهدد بزوال ثروة المضادات الحيوية التي تعالج الكثير من الأمراض.

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

WHO | Motor development milestones

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 09:28:10 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

Gamal Alhadad 21 مايو 07:28 مساءً
WHO | Motor development milestones
‪The following links provide access to the tables and graphs presenting the windows of achievement of the six gross motor milestones.‬

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Pain Relief Strategy: Cross Your Arms?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 02:29:24 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] لما حد يحس بالم يرب ع ايديه ؟؟؟

لما حد يحس بالم يربع ايديه  ؟؟؟
Gamal Alhadad 21 مايو 12:29 مساءً
لما حد يحس بالم يربع ايديه ؟؟؟
Pain Relief Strategy: Cross Your Arms?
‪Crossing your arms may confuse the brain and help fight pain, according to a new study.‬

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

سرطان البروستاتة - معلومات طبية يثق بها طبيبك

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 03:27:29 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

Gamal Alhadad 19 مايو 01:27 مساءً
سرطان البروستاتة - معلومات طبية يثق بها طبيبك
يقوم المفسر بتبسيط المعلومات الطبية ويطرح أسئلة على المستخدِم لضمان فهمه الجيد للمعلومات الطبية المعقدة We simplify health information and ask patients questions to ensure understanding.

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Can Diabetes Meds Treat Depression?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: البر نس <>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 12:21:38 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

البر نس 16 مايو 09:21 مساءً
Can Diabetes Meds Treat Depression?
‪: Sulphonylureas appear to have an antidepressant effect, adding weight to the hypothesis that depression may be "diabetes of the brain," researchers say.‬

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Pictures of Lupus: Rash, Symptoms, Joint Pain, Tests, and Treatments الذئبه الحمراء

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 01:27:17 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] الذئ به الحمراء

الذئبه الحمراء
Gamal Alhadad 17 مايو 10:27 صباحاً
الذئبه الحمراء
Pictures of Lupus: Rash, Symptoms, Joint Pain, Tests, and Treatments
‪Lupus symptoms, skin rashes, joint pain, causes, diagnosis, and treatments are explained with pictures in this slideshow from WebMD's medical editors.‬

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Monday, May 16, 2011

المواد العلمية

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 07:14:04 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

Gamal Alhadad 29 أبريل 04:14 مساءً
المواد العلمية
‪ Diseases and Dentistry.html‬

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

احذر..علاج البشرة بالليزر يفاقم سرطان الجلد

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Sally Alhaddad <>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 16:36:47 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] http ://www.facebook .com/l/7aa21ph0 OlBDFBVuwnub56R 1...
Sally Alhaddad 24 أبريل 01:36 صباحاً
احذر..علاج البشرة بالليزر يفاقم سرطان الجلد
أظهرت دراسة نرويجية أن الليزر البارد غير المسبب للألم يساهم في نموّ الأورام المسببة لسرطان الجلد لدى الفئران وأشار العلماء إلى أن العلاج بالليزر قد

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

4-year-old child who presents to the ED with a...

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 02:24:29 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] 4-ye ar-old child wh o presents to t he ED with a...

4-year-old child who presents to the ED with a sudden onset of noisy breathing.  She has had a runny nose for 2 days, a cough for 1 day and developed noisy breathing 3 hours earlier. Her mother feels that she is getting progressively more breathless. Her father had a cold the previous week. She is otherwise well but has troublesome eczema which is treated with emulsifiers and steroid creams.
Gamal Alhadad 19 أبريل 11:24 صباحاً
‪4-year-old child who presents to the ED with a sudden onset of noisy breathing.
She has had a runny nose for 2 days, a cough for 1 day and developed noisy breathing 3 hours earlier. Her mother feels that she is getting progressively more breathless. Her father had a cold the previous week. She is otherwise well but has troublesome eczema which is treated with emulsifiers and steroid creams.‬

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

The Osteoporosis Prevention Diet - Osteoporosis Center -

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Hanan Anwar Abdel Halim <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 00:35:49 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] http ://www.facebook .com/l/6cc63BuT e5gSLpdB1Hu4v6E o...

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FDA Approves New Portable Device That Stops Brain Tumor Growth

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Gamal Alhadad <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 00:19:00 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] رابط جديد

Gamal Alhadad 19 أبريل 09:18 صباحاً
FDA Approves New Portable Device That Stops Brain Tumor Growth
‪A new FDA approved device has been shown to slow and reverse tumor growth by inhibiting mitosis, the process by which cells divide and replicate. The NovoTTF-100A device, which weighs about six po‬

عرض المنشور في فيس بوك · تعديل إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني · الرد على هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإضافة تعليق.

إنتاج عقار جديد يقاوم انتشار مرض السرطان نجحت...

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Sally Alhaddad <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 23:12:49 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] إنتا ج عقار جديد يقا وم انتشار مرض ا لسرطان نجحت...

إنتاج عقار جديد يقاوم انتشار مرض السرطان    نجحت شركة عالمية متخصصة فى إنتاج العقاقير فى التوصل - على النطاق التجريبى - إلى دواء جديد يعمل على شل أنشطة الورم السرطانى ويحجمه مما يعد خطوة واعدة لسد أكبر الثغرات التى تواجه الأطباء فى مجال معالجة المرضى.    وجاء التوصل لهذا الدواء - طبقا لما نشره موقع الشركة على شبكة الإنترنت - من خلال نجاح الباحثين فى الشركة من عزل (جزيئية سرطانية) تسمح للمرض الخبيث غزو مناطق أخرى بالجسم بدون مقاومة ، حيث تعمل هذه الجزيئية على فتح طرقات تسمح للسرطان بالتحرك لاستيطان مناطق أخرى بالجسم ، بالإضافة إلى مسئوليتها عن مقاومة العلاج الكيماوى والإشعاعى، وبدراسة هذه الجزيئية تمكن الباحثون من إنتاج دواء يثبط نشاطها.     ويعتمد عمل الدواء الجديد على تثبيط تكوين أوعية دموية جديدة حول الخلية السرطانية مما يساهم فى شل أنشطة (الجزيئية) بصورة فعالة.    وتشير النتائج المرتبطة بالدواء الجديد إلى أنه قادر على محاربة السرطان من خلال جبهتين الأولى منهما تكمن فى الحيلولة دون نمو أوعية دموية جديدة لتغذية السرطان، فيما ترتبط الثانية بمساهمة الدواء فى إضعاف مجموعة من الخلايا التى تساعد فى نمو السرطان.
Sally Alhaddad 19 أبريل 08:12 صباحاً
إنتاج عقار جديد يقاوم انتشار مرض السرطان

نجحت شركة عالمية متخصصة فى إنتاج العقاقير فى التوصل - على النطاق التجريبى - إلى دواء جديد يعمل على شل أنشطة الورم السرطانى ويحجمه مما يعد خطوة واعدة لسد أكبر الثغرات التى تواجه الأطباء فى مجال معالجة المرضى.

وجاء التوصل لهذا الدواء - طبقا لما نشره موقع الشركة على شبكة الإنترنت - من خلال نجاح الباحثين فى الشركة من عزل (جزيئية سرطانية) تسمح للمرض الخبيث غزو مناطق أخرى بالجسم بدون مقاومة ، حيث تعمل هذه الجزيئية على فتح طرقات تسمح للسرطان بالتحرك لاستيطان مناطق أخرى بالجسم ، بالإضافة إلى مسئوليتها عن مقاومة العلاج الكيماوى والإشعاعى، وبدراسة هذه الجزيئية تمكن الباحثون من إنتاج دواء يثبط نشاطها.

ويعتمد عمل الدواء الجديد على تثبيط تكوين أوعية دموية جديدة حول الخلية السرطانية مما يساهم فى شل أنشطة (الجزيئية) بصورة فعالة.

وتشير النتائج المرتبطة بالدواء الجديد إلى أنه قادر على محاربة السرطان من خلال جبهتين الأولى منهما تكمن فى الحيلولة دون نمو أوعية دموية جديدة لتغذية السرطان، فيما ترتبط الثانية بمساهمة الدواء فى إضعاف مجموعة من الخلايا التى تساعد فى نمو السرطان.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Critical Care & Emergency Nursing / C.U

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Mohammed Youssry <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 06:11:25 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] دي ص فحة الحالات الح رجة والطوارئ .. . ياريت تشرفونا ...

دي صفحة الحالات الحرجة والطوارئ ... ياريت تشرفونا .. ان شاء الله تلاقوا حاجات كتير مفيدة
Mohammed Youssry 13 مايو 03:11 مساءً
دي صفحة الحالات الحرجة والطوارئ ... ياريت تشرفونا .. ان شاء الله تلاقوا حاجات كتير مفيدة
Critical Care & Emergency Nursing / C.U‪A Very Informative Page For Critical Care & Emergency... Sure You Will Find Something Useful HERE... Join Us, You Will Never Regret... Never
صفحة متخصصة في الحالات الحرجة والطوارئ ... إن شاء الله تلاقوا فيها حاجات كتير مفيدا ... انضموا لينا‬

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[PCM] Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research + Vacancies [1 Attachment]

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Pharmacists_coffee <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 21:29:14 +0300
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Subject: [PCM] Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research + Vacancies [1 Attachment]

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May 13, 2011
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Today in Hot pharma news







Medicine of the week
Amoxicillin (INN), formerly amoxycillin (BAN), tormoxin (in India), amoxycillin (cilamox) in Australia,[1] abbreviated amox, is a moderate-spectrum, bacteriolytic, β-lactam antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections caused by susceptible microorganisms. It is usually the drug of choice within the class because it is better absorbed, following oral administration, than other β-lactam antibiotics.
Amoxicillin is susceptible to degradation by β-lactamase-producing bacteria, which are resistant to a broad spectrum of β-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillin. For this reason, it is often combined with clavulanic acid, a β-lactamase inhibitor, and marketed under one name. This increases effectiveness by reducing its susceptibility to β-lactamase resistance.

Mode of action:

Amoxicillin acts by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. It inhibits cross-linkage between the linear peptidoglycan polymer chains that make up a major component of the cell walls of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.


Side-effects are as those for other beta-lactam antibiotics. Side-effects include nausea, vomiting, rashes, and antibiotic-associated colitis. Loose bowel movements (diarrhea) also may occur. Rarer, but patient-reported, side-effects include mental changes, lightheadedness, insomnia, confusion, anxiety, sensitivity to lights and sounds, and unclear thinking. Immediate medical care is required upon the first signs of these side-effects.
The onset of an allergic reaction to amoxicillin can be very sudden and intense - emergency medical attention must be sought as quickly as possible. The initial onset of such a reaction often starts with a change in mental state, skin rash with intense itching (often beginning in fingertips and around groin area and rapidly spreading), and sensations of fever, nausea, and vomiting. Any other symptoms that seem even remotely suspicious must be taken very seriously. However, more mild allergy symptoms, such as a rash, can occur at any time during treatment, even up to a week after treatment has ceased. For some people who are allergic to amoxicillin the side effects can be deadly.
Use of the amoxicillin/clavulanic acid combination for more than one week has caused mild hepatitis in some patients. Young children having ingested acute overdoses of amoxicillin manifested lethargy, vomiting and renal dysfunction.


















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Jeddah medical representatives ( Male and Female ) Ref : Jeddah MR
Riyadh medical representatives ( Female only ) Ref : Riyadh MR
We offer an attractive salary, transportation, housing, family medical insurance, calling and incentive
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality
If your qualifications met our need please send your C.V at e-mail:




Female med rep for Dammam & Khobar

KSA leading company need for urgent hiring female med rep

age not more than 28

experience not less than one year

Dammam or Khobar resident

Please send your cv to:




License for sale

Trading in pharmaceutical & herbal products license for sale

Expires in 2013

For more information please call

Tel: 0507222755



Female Medical Rep

leading multinational company

is seeking for   Reps  with the following criteria:

-Female -Based in  Jeddah -Good command of English language - Excellent Communications skills -Preferred vet or pharmacist or science(not a must)

Interested candidates can send their  CV's with recent photo to:




Group pharmacy in Mekka

Pharmacists required

Age not more than 30 years - resident in Saudi Arabia

Please send your CV with recent photo + copy of graduation & experience certificates to:




Medical reps for baby milk company - KSA

European baby milk company in Saudi Arabia needs male/female medical reps

Resident & ready to go to Madina - Tabuk - Sakaka - Ar'ar

Pharmacy - vet - science graduates

Transferable iqama

Driving license

Please send your CV mentioning your current residency & your last salary (if available) to:




Urgent M.R for Makkah & Taif

Fast growing pharmaceutical company need to hire M.R resident in MAKKAH


1- Pharmacist, vet ore science degree

1-Experience in Makkah is a must.

3-Transferable iqama is a must.

We offer an attractive salary,transportation,housing,calling and incentive

If your qualifications met our need please send your C.V at mail:


ATT. Dr. Yasser Al deghedy



Hospital in Jeddah

Non-Saudi pharmacists required with transferable iqama

Please send your one-page CV writing "pharmacist" in the subject field of the email to:




Pharmacy in jeddah

needs pharmacist i3ara

Tel: 0563788800



Medical Representatives

Well established multinational nutritional Company K.S.A.

Urgent  hiring medical representatives


1-Bachelor degree in Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine.

2- Age below 30 years.

3- Preferable two years experience .

4- Having a valid Saudi driving license.

5- Having a valid transferable Iqama.

6- Fluent in English.

Only if you have the above mentioned criteria, you are kindly requested to send your cv to:












Egypt to KSA


+ Add a vacancy 


Group pharmacies - Riyadh

Pharmacists required for Areej Al-Mada'en group pharmacies in Riyadh


·         1% from sales

·         We will pay for visa & Saudi pharmacy practice & profession license

·         Housing allowance

·         Medical insurance & flight tickets\

Please send your CV to:


please write "pharmacist" in subject field of the email

Or Fax: 02 – 22728992

For more information please call

Tel: 0114545673



Pharmacy in medical center - Jeddah

Pharmacists required

With at least 2 years experience

Salary: 4000 SAR

+ 1% sales

+ flight tickets

Please send your CV to:


please write your name & job & graduation year in the subject field



Urgently for KSA

Pharmacists required for Saudi Arabia

Al-Gethami company

Tel: 37601739 - 37601748 - 0101124720




Vacancy in Saudi Arabia

Pharmacists needed

El-Asdekaa company

Tel: 33374646 - 33356889 - 0127439205







+ Add a vacancy 








Egypt to Egypt

 + Add a vacancy




Med Rep. required for Guiza Area

A fat growing Reputable company require medical rep in Guiza area as follow:

1- age not exceed 27 years

2-good command of computer and English

3-owning a car

we offer a very attractive salary and remarkable expenses for using his car

please send your CV to




Hospital Medical Rep.

is required for a multinational pharmaceutical company

Resident in Mansoura and Menoufia

Fresh or experienced, Hard worker, enthusiastic & self motivated.

Please send an updated C.V. with a recent photo to the following e-mail:




Oncology Product Specialist

Due to our expansion in the oncology field in Egypt

we are seeking to recruit oncology product specialists

candidates should be:

1- Pharmacy graduate.

2- Excellent command of English language.

3- Resident in greater Cairo.

4- Holding a valid driving license.

5- One year experience is an assist.

who meet the above criteria should send their detailed C.V. to the following e-mail




MEDIZEN pharmaceutical

We are an Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company specialized in the ethical products and Due to further extensions, we are seeking to recruit qualified candidates in the following positions:

1- District Manager – Cairo. (Ref:DM)

2-Medical representatives Cairo, Giza and Upper Egypt (All regions) (Ref: MR)

We offer an attractive package, carrier pathway and development.

Kindly mention the code of the job you apply for in the sent subject

Suitable Candidate are invited to apply CV for the following E-mail




Cairo Area Manager

Well established industrial pharmaceutical company

Due to our expansion we need Cairo Area Manager


1-previous experience in the same position

2- Ability to lead medical Sales team

3-Detail-oriented professional with strong analytical and problem solving skills

4- A team player with excellent interpersonal and inter-cultural skills

5-Professional appearance and demeanor with managerial skills

6-Should be willing to work in a challenging environment and to put in extra efforts to to achieve company goals

We offer an attractive package, carrier pathway and development.

Candidates who believe they possess the entire above mentioned criterion may mail in their CVs with Photographs to:




Medical Representative for El-Haram area

Polypharm, the sole agent of Boehringer Ingelheim is seeking a highly qualified medical representative for immediate hire in El-Haram in its Scientific Office.

Candidate should be :

1. Pharmacist, Scientists or veterinary.
2. Ambitious & Self motivated.
3. Experienced or fresh graduated.
4. Presentable, good command of English language and good communication skills.

We offer an attractive package.

Kindly send your C.V. with a recent photo to the following Mail:


Fax: (202)22691641



Ateco Pharma Egypt

ِِِِِWe are a fast growing Egyptian company specialized in production of large volume parentrals. We have the vision of being the regional leader of IV solutions & achieving international quality of our products, people & technologies.We have the inspiration of serving critically ill patients with high quality vital solutions.

Due to our business expansion we require highly qualified, self motivated fresh graduate pharmacists to join our team in our manufacturing facility located in Obour city for:

1) QC pharmacist (chemistry lab.) REF.1

2) QC pharmacist (micro lab.) REF.2

3) Production Pharmacist REF.3

4) QA pharmacist (In Process Control) REF.4

We provide a professional environment were talents & capabilities are best utilized & developed. Competitive packages are offered.

Successful candidates send their Updated CV with job reference in subject to:


Ateco pharma Egypt

Solutions for life



Industrial pharmaceutical company

Well establish industrial pharmaceutical company with proven fast growing Market share  In Egyptian market

We are an Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company specialized in the ethical pharmaceutical products and Due to extensions, we are seeking to recruit qualified candidates as a position of:

Medical representatives

Sharkia resident

We offer an attractive package, carrier pathway and development.

Suitable Candidate are invited to apply CV for the following E-mail




Pharmaceutical company

Medical representatives

All governorates (Gharbia - Damitta - Portsaid and Ismailia - Kalubia - Kafr El-Sheikh)

Tel: 0145437146 - 22731586




EPCI Pharmaceutical Company (Delta Region)

EPCI Pharmaceutical company is seeking Medical Reps

for the following areas




the right candidate should be

a-Pharmacist,Vet or science graduate

b-experience or fresh graduates are welcomed

Kindly send your CV with a recent photo within one week

Mentioning area of residence in subject to




A.M.G Recruitment center

Well Established Pharmaceutical company

is seeking Medical Reps for all Alex, Behira and Kafr El-shiekh areas.

The right candidate should be:

a-Pharmacist,Vet or science graduate

b-experience or fresh graduates are welcomed, 

if you  are committed person, kindly send your CV with a recent photo within one week Mentioning area of residence in subject to:




Fast growing pharmaceutical company

Need medical representative for

Cairo,Alex,Suez and Quena

Candidates should have the following criteria
1- pharmacist-vet
2-Age not more than 26 year
3-presentable with high communication skills
4-Excellent English and computer skills

We offer attractive salary and a car

Send your C.V with recent photo to email




Vacancy at EVApharma

2 vacant areas at EVApharma in Dakhlia and Damiette, experience is preferred, female or male,  pharmacist or vet,

send your cv at e-mail:




YG Center Recruitment center

has a vacancy in Alexandria for a multinational company medical reps with good command of English & a supervisor.

If you  are committed person, kindly send your CV to:


or call 03 3802050 from 9.00 to 5.00 for appointment



Pharmacure Pharmaceutical

Well establish industrial pharmaceutical company with proven fast growing Market share

In Egyptian market

We are an Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company specialized in the ethical products and Due to further extensions, we are seeking to recruit qualified candidates in the following positions:

1-Field Force Supervisors Dakahlia Region (Ref: SVD)

A- Vet or Science Graduates
B- 1-2 year experience

2-Medical representatives

A-Cairo & Giza Govern orate (All regions) (Ref: MRC)

B-Alex. govern orate (Center &West)  (Ref: MRA)

C-Bani-sewif  govern orate (Ref: MRB)

We offer an attractive package, carrier pathway and development.

Kindly mention the code of the job you apply for in the sent subject

Suitable Candidate are invited to apply CV for the following E-mail




HKPI_JV – Egypt

HKPI_JV in joint venture with Quintiles is recruiting for its operations in Egypt the following positions:

  1. Full time Medical Representatives (All Governorates) (Ref: FMR)
  2. Part time Medical Representatives (All Governorates) (Ref: PMR)


1- Medical Background, preferably Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine , Dentist or Sciences.

2- Fresh graduates or having 1- 2 years experience in similar position in the Egyptian pharmaceutical field

3- Good Command of English language


Excellent remuneration package (Basic salary, Incentive , Car &  Social/Medical Insurance). Excellent training curriculum . Excellent work environment

Successful team members will enjoy the opportunity to join the planned operations in the Gulf and Middle East. Interested candidates should e-mail their CVs including recent photograph within 7 days to:


with job reference as subject. For more information about Quintiles visit our website:

All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.



Multinational pharmaceuticals company

one of the leading global pharmaceutical companies that offers great job opportunities within Egypt .

require  the following Full time  positions requires in

dakahlia and gharbia (only)

medical representatives


-       Support company growth plans through promoting the company's diversified products to medical professionals

-       Comply with sales governance rules and regulations


-       BSC of pharmacy.

-       fresh graduate or 1-2 years of experience as a medical rep in a multinational company.

-       Excellent command of English language

-       High sense of urgency to enable & drive change

-       Ability to build rapport with customers & add value

-       Good negotiation skills

-       Ability to work within a team & build relationships

We value our people who achieve continuous growth plans by offering attractive remuneration packages which include excellent salaries, performance incentives, medical coverage, life insurance, saving plan as well as outstanding career advancement opportunities

if you match this criteria please send your CV and a recent photo within one weeks to:




EPCI Pharmaceutical Company

EPCI Pharmaceutical company is seeking Medical Reps

for all Cairo and Giza areas

the right candidate should be

a-Pharmacist,Vet or science graduate

b-experience or fresh graduates are welcomed

Kindly send your CV with a recent photo within one week

Mentioning area of residence in subject to




District Manager Cairo Region

International Company needs District Manager in Cairo with the following criteria;

- Pharmacy, Vet or Medicine Graduates.

- Age not more than 32 years.

- Must have 1 or 2 years experience in Management in reputable company
-Previous experience in the Clinical Dermatology , Plastic Surgery field is a must

We offer very attractive packages (salary,  car allowance,  medical insurance, etc…)
All CVs will be treated with confidentiality.

Kindly send your CV (by the latest of May 14th)  to:





HAYA PHARM Newly Established Egyptian Pharmaceutical Co Currently with one in-market brand and with another twelve proceeding new brands in 2011 & 2012
Due to our expansion we are announcing for the following vacancies:
• Full time medical representatives (Reference: FTMR) All governorates
• Part time medical representatives (Reference: PTMR) All governorates
Suitable candidates should be:
a. Pharmacists, vet, or science male/female Fresh graduated (Experience will be considered).
b. Be Creative, analytical, initiative, have excellent communication skills, Reliable, accepting challenges, problem solver and independent.
c. Be Fluent in English and good computer skills
d. Have very good presentation skills.
We are an open organization offering both competitive environment and brilliant career path
Please send your CV with a recent photo within a week and write the reference of the Job and you resident town in subject area to the following e-mail address:




Pharmacy for rent in Al-Sherouk

Pharmacy for rent in Sherouk area :
67 m2 , behind alahly club
with bathroom
luxurious finishing
contact: 010 7003427



Pharmacy for sale - Alexandria

Located in Fakhr Al-Din Aly St.

Tel: 00966569749353




Pharmacy for rent

Licensed pharmacy for rent

Area: 60 m

Shorouk city - behind Al-Ahly Club - Nasr City

Tel: 0107003427



Pharmacy in Nasr City

On a main street

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 0165611393



Pharmacy in Dokkia

Needs pharmacists with or without experience

Tel: 0101613270



Pharmacy in Tanta

Al-Mahdy pharmacy requires pharmacists for evening shift

Tel: 0403342060 - 0124468935



Pharmacy in Helwan

needs pharmacist

Tel: 01524256176



 Pharmacy in Al-Geish St.

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 25927573 - 25927563



Group pharmacies

Needs pharmacists

Housing is available

Tel: 0100121462 - 23643510



Pharmacy in Gesr Al-Suez

Needs pahrmacists

Tel: 0100745548 - 0124314545



Pharmacy in Sarai Al-Qobba

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 22609846 - 0101524557



Pharmacy in Mataria

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 0101737975 - 24019605



Pharmacy in Hadaek Al-Qobba

Needs pahrmacists

Tel: 24828376 - 0113170715



Ali & Ali pharmacy

New Maadi branch

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 0123222612 - 0198145163



Pharmacy in 6th of October

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 38376425 - 0111993743



Pharmacy in Moqattam

Needs pharmacists

Excellent salaries

Housing is available

Tel: 0108889650



Pharmacy in Hadaek Al-Ahram

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 0100302445



Pharmacy in Masr Al-Gadida

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 22570763 - 0123107033



Pharmacy in Imbaba

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 35403811



Pharmacy in Helwan

Located in front of the metro station - Maa'sara

Needs pharmacists

Tel: 24307425







Pharmacists_coffee magazine

Electronic Edition 


Emirates to Emirates

   + Add a vacancy





Pharmacist, with MOH licence, reqd. Call 09-2244233, for a walk-in interview on 16.05.2011, between 10am & 12 noon.




Assistant Pharmacist, with MOH licence, reqd. Call 09-2244233, for a walk-in interview on 16.05.2011, after 10am.




Pharmacist, part / full-time, with HAAD licence, required.

Call 050-6417404 / email:





Pharmacist, female, part-time, required. Email CV to:





Pharmacist, with MOH license, required for a medical equipment company in Abu Dhabi.

Please call 050-6892612.




Pharmacist, with MOH licence, required for a pharmacy in Sharjah.

Fax CV to 06-5368597.




Pharmacist, female, with MOH license, on husband's visa, required for a pharmacy.

Send CV to 06-5333653.




Pharmacist, with HAAD licence and a D/L, required for a trading company. Email CV to:





Pharmacist, with MOH license, required for a reputed company.

Send your CV to 04-2858675.




If you aren't member

Subscribe to pharmacists_ coffee magazine to receive more vacancies

To subscribe Send empty e-mail to 

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Pharmacists_ coffee Magazine

For all Arabian pharmacists



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Pharmaceutical industry and university create Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research

Thursday, 12 May 2011

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), The University of Manchester, and AstraZeneca announce today the creation of the Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR), a unique collaboration to establish a world-leading translational centre for inflammatory diseases.


Abbott's HUMIRA® (Adalimumab) Meets Primary Endpoints in Phase III Ulcerative Colitis Study

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Abbott's (NYSE: ABT) HUMIRA® (adalimumab) met its primary endpoint of clinical remission in a Phase III study of adult patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis.


Health economics substudy of PLATO shows BRILIQUE to be a cost effective treatment versus generic Clopidogrel

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

AstraZeneca announced new health economics data from a substudy of the PLATO trial showed that treating a broad spectrum of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients with BRILIQUE (ticagrelor) was more cost-effective than treatment with generic clopidogrel.


Sanofi-aventis and Medicines for Malaria Venture Join Forces to Develop Innovative Malaria Drugs

Monday, 09 May 2011

Sanofi-aventis (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) have signed an alliance agreement to research malaria treatments as well as the first research project agreement within the framework of the alliance.


Novartis gains FDA approval for Afinitor®

Friday, 06 May 2011

Novartis announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Afinitor® (everolimus) tablets for the treatment of progressive neuroendocrine tumors of pancreatic origin (PNET) in patients with unresectable, locally advanced or metastatic disease[4].


FDA approves linagliptin tablets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

Thursday, 05 May 2011

Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved linagliptin tablets, a prescription medication used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.(1)


Pfizer Reports First-Quarter 2011 Results

Wednesday, 04 May 2011

First-quarter 2011 revenues were $16.5 billion, consistent with the year-ago quarter. Revenues for first-quarter 2011 compared with the year-ago quarter were favorably impacted by $97 million, or 1%, due to foreign exchange, and $224 million, or 1%, due to the addition of legacy King products.





































































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 Manager's Tips 80)

The steps of successful delegation (steps 4 to 6 of 9 steps)

4 ) Explain the reasons

You must explain why the job or responsibility is being delegated. & why to that person or people? What is its importance & relevance? Where does it fit in the overall scheme of things?

5)  State required results

What must be achieved?  Clarify understanding by getting feedback from the other person. How will the task be measured? Make sure they know how you intend to decide that the job is being successfully done.

6)  Consider resources required

Discuss and agree what is required to get the job done. Consider people, location, premises, equipment, money, materials, other related activities and services.

Get More         

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Book No.43
Book name: 
Med facts... drug interaction.

Category: Pharmaceutical.

Download link




Pharmacists_ coffee magazine Electronic Editions

Kipp IQ enterprises limited

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