Friday, September 30, 2011

إقامة الدوره التاسيسيه الأخيره في العلاج بالإبر الصينية

****سوف يتم غلق باب الحجز باكتمال العدد
********المواعيد من الساعه 2 ظهرا الى 6
تعلن الجمعية المصرية للعلاج بالإبرعن إقامة الدوره التاسيسيه الأخيره في العلاج بالإبر الصينية تحت إشراف أ.د محمد كمال الجوجري نائب رئيس الإتحاد العالمي للإبرورئيس الجمعية المصرية للعلاج بلإبر الصينية
في الفتره من (13—14--15) \ 10 \ 2011 الي (20—21) \ 10 \ 2011
وذلك لمدة خمسة ايام (خميس – جمعه- سبت)----( خميس—جمعه)
وذلك بكلية طب القصر العيني (مستشفى النسا والولاده )
الشهادات :
1.شهادة حضور و إتمام الكورس موثقة من الجمعية .
2.شهادة خبرة (300)ساعه موثقة من الخارجية المصرية ووزارة العدل,والشهر العقاري ويتم العمل بها خارج "ج.م.ع."
3.كارنيه العضوية في الجمعية
الرسوم :
.. الفرد 1200 جنيه.
..المجموعة المكونة من 4 افراد 1000 جنيه للفرد .
للحجز والاستعلام 0199777766
الدوره خمسه ايام يتم في الثلاثة ايام المتتاليه الاولى شرح الجزئ النظري على النحو التالي: 1---- اليوم الاول:
1—definition of modern acupuncture - Schools - styles
2--- history – international co-operation –t.c.m theories
4modern understanding—self healing capacity --
2---- اليوم الثاني والثالث :يتم فيهما شرح مسارات الطاقه الخاصه بالوخز بالابر الصينيه ال14 مسار بالاضافه الي النقاط الاضافيه وكذلك نقاط الوخذ في الأذن
يتم شرح الجزء العملي على يومين على حالات حيث يتم شرح النقاط الخاصه بالامراض والتطبيق العملي لهذه الامراض
الامراض التي سوف يتم دراستها في الدوره :
Lumber. Cervical thorathic pain,,,,frozen shoulder….tennis elbow…carpal tunnel syndrome ….knee osteoarthritis….hip pain…..headache…hemiplegia….paraplegia…
Facial palsy….obisty…smoking…stomach pain

علاج جديد لفيروس "ب" مصنع محليًا فى مصر

كشف المؤتمر العلمي للمجموعة المصرية لدراسة الجديد فى أمراض الكبد والذى عقد في محافظة الفيوم صباح اليوم عن علاج جديد لمرضى فيروس "ب" الكبدى، وهو بمثابة ثورة علمية جديدة، كما سيتم تصنيع العلاج محليا.
وأكد الدكتور هشام الخياط، أستاذ الكبد والجهاز الهضمي، ورئيس المؤتمر، أن العلاج جديد للمرض الفيروسي الكبدي "ب" جارى إنتاجه بواسطة شركات الأدوية المصرية محلياً بسعر يتناسب مع المواطن المصري ويصل سعره إلى 600 جنيه شهرياً قابلة للتخفيض بدلاً من 3700 جنيه، ويتم تناول العلاج عن طريق الفم ولا توجد له آثار جانبية ويزيد من نسبة الشفاء إلى 90% .
وأوضح رئيس المؤتمر، أن نسبة الإصابة بالمرض لا تتجاوز حالياً 4% ونوع الجين المسبب للمرض "د" لافتا إلى أن الحالات التي كان يتم علاجها بالأدوية القديمة لا تتجاوز نسبة الشفاء عن 25 %.
وفى سياق آخر، صرح الخياط أن الجمعية المصرية بالتعاون مع مركز حقوق وحماية مرضى الفيروسات الكبدية تتولى المساندة القانونية للمرضى ضد حالات رفض التعيين من الوظائف الحكومية والخاصة للمرضى وحالات الخلع للزوجات من الأزواج المرضى.
وأشار الدكتور علاء عثمان الروبى، منسق المؤتمر إلى أن الهدف من المؤتمر تعليم وتدريب الكوادر الطبية المتخصصة للتشخيص المبكر لأمراض الكبد ونقل المعلومات الطبية من المؤتمرات العالمية لأطباء الأقاليم والتدريب على استخدام المناظير وبحث ومناقشة الجديد في علاج أمراض الكبد خاصة الجين الرابع المنتشر في مصر من فيروس "c".
كما أوضح الدكتور محمد العتيق، أستاذ أمراض الكبد، أن الدكتور عمرو حلمي وزير الصحة وافق على تداول 3 أنواع من الأدوية الخاصة بعلاج فيروس "c" من بينهم "الأنترفيرون المصري" وأوضح أن القرار لم يتم تنفيذه حتى الآن.

المصدر : الأهرام

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Allergy Relief for Your Child

Children are magnets for colds. But when the "cold" won't go away for weeks, the culprit may be allergies.

Long-lasting sneezing, with a stuffy or runny nose, may signal the presence of allergic rhinitis—the collection of symptoms that affect the nose when you have an allergic reaction to something you breathe in and that lands on the lining inside the nose.

Allergies may be seasonal or they can strike year-round (perennial). In most parts of the United States, plant pollens are often the cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis—more commonly called hay fever. Indoor substances, such as mold, dust mites, and pet dander, may cause the perennial kind.

Up to 40 percent of children suffer from allergic rhinitis, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). And children are more likely to develop allergies if one or both parents have allergies.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medicines that offer allergy relief as well as allergen extracts used to diagnose and treat allergies.

Immune System Reaction

An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a specific substance, or allergen. The immune system responds to the invading allergen by releasing histamine and other chemicals that typically trigger symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, eyes, skin, or stomach lining, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

In some children, allergies can also trigger symptoms of asthma—a disease that causes wheezing or difficulty breathing.

If a child has allergies and asthma, "not controlling the allergies can make asthma worse," says Anthony Durmowicz, M.D., a pediatric pulmonary doctor in FDA's Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Rheumatology Products.

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Avoiding the Culprit

If your child has seasonal allergies, you may want to pay attention to pollen counts and try to keep your child inside when the levels are high.

In the late summer and early fall, during ragweed pollen season, pollen levels are highest in the morning.

In the spring and summer, during the grass pollen season, pollen levels are highest in the evening.

Some molds, another allergy trigger, may also be seasonal. For example, leaf mold is more common in the fall.

Sunny, windy days can be especially troublesome for pollen allergy sufferers.

It may also help to keep windows closed in your house and car and run the air conditioner when pollen counts are high.

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Allergy Medicines

For most children, symptoms may be controlled by avoiding the allergen, if known, and using OTC medicines. However, if a child's symptoms are persistent and not relieved by OTC medicines, it is wise to see a health care professional to assess your child's symptoms and see if other treatments, including prescription medicines, may be appropriate. Five types of drugs are generally available (see table below) to help bring your child relief.

While some allergy medicines are approved for use in children as young as six months, Dianne Murphy, M.D., director of FDA's Office of Pediatric Therapeutics, cautions, "Always read the label to make sure the product is appropriate for your child's age. Just because a product's box says that it is intended for children does not mean it is intended for children of all ages."

"Children are more sensitive than adults to many drugs," adds Murphy. "For example, some antihistamines can have adverse effects at lower doses on young patients, causing excitability or excessive drowsiness."

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More Child-Friendly Medicines

Recent pediatric legislation, including a combination of incentives and requirements for drug companies, has significantly increased research and development of drugs for children and has led to more products with new pediatric information in their labeling. Since 1997, a combination of legislative activities has helped generate studies in children for 400 products.

Many of the older drugs were only tested in adults, says Durmowicz, "but we now have more information available for the newer allergy medications. With the passing of this legislation, there should be more confidence in pediatric dosing and safety with the newer drugs."

The legislation also requires drugs for children to be in a child-friendly formulation, adds Durmowicz. So if the drug was initially developed as a capsule, it has to also be made in a form that a child can take, such as a liquid with cherry flavoring, rapidly dissolving tablets, or strips for placing under the tongue.

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Allergy Shots

Children who don't respond to either OTC or prescription medications, or who suffer from frequent complications of allergic rhinitis, may be candidates for allergen immunotherapy—commonly known as allergy shots. According to NIAID, about 80 percent of people with allergic rhinitis will see their symptoms and need for medicine drop significantly within a year of starting allergy shots.

After allergy testing, typically by skin testing to detect what allergens your child may react to, a health care professional injects the child with "extracts"—small amounts of the allergens that trigger a reaction. The doses are gradually increased so that the body builds up immunity to these allergens.

Allergen extracts are manufactured from natural substances, such as pollens, insect venoms, animal hair, and foods. More than 1,200 extracts are licensed by FDA.

Some doctors are buying extracts licensed for injection and instructing the parents to administer the extracts using a dropper under the child's tongue, says Jay E. Slater, M.D., director of FDA's Division of Bacterial, Parasitic and Allergenic Products. "While FDA considers this the practice of medicine (and the agency does not regulate the practice of medicine), parents and patients should be aware that there are no allergenic extracts currently licensed by FDA for oral use."

"Allergy shots are never appropriate for food allergies," adds Slater, who is also a pediatrician and allergist. But it's common to use extracts to test for food allergies so the child can avoid those foods.

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Transformation in Treatment

"In the last 20 years, there has been a remarkable transformation in allergy treatments," says Slater. "Kids used to be miserable for months out of the year, and drugs made them incredibly sleepy. But today's products are outstanding in terms of safety and efficacy."

Forgoing treatment can make for an irritable, sleepless, and unhappy child, adds Slater, recalling a mother saying, after her child's successful treatment, "I didn't realize I had a nice kid!"

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FDA-Approved Drug Options for Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) in Children

Drug Type

How Used

Some Examples of Over-the-Counter (OTC) or Prescription (Rx) Drugs (many are available in generic form)

Common Side Effects





Nasal corticosteroids

Usually sprayed in nose once a day


Stinging in nose

Nasonex (mometasone furoate)

Flonase (fluticasone propionate)





Oral and topical antihistamines

Orally (pills, liquid, or strip placed under the tongue), nasally (spray or drops), or eye drops

Oral OTC:

Some antihistamines may cause drowsiness

Benadryl (diphenhydramine)


Chlor-Trimeton (chlorpheniramine)


Allegra* (fexofenadine)

Some nasal sprays may cause a bitter taste in mouth, headache, and stinging in nose

Claritin* (loratadine)

Zyrtec* (cetirizine)

Oral Rx:

Clarinex (desloratadine)

Nasal Rx:

Astelin (azelastine)

* non-sedating






Orally and nasally (some-times taken with antihistamines, which used alone do not treat nasal congestion)

Oral Sudafed (pseudoephedrine*), Sudafed PE (phenylephrine)

Using nose sprays or drops more than a few days may cause "rebound" effect, in which nasal congestion gets worse

Oral Rx:

Allegra D, which has both an antihistamine (fexofenadine) and decongestant (pseudoephedrine*)

Nasal OTC:

Neo-Synephrine (phenylephrine)

Afrin (oxymetazoline)

* Drugs that contain pseudoephedrine are non-prescription but are kept behind the pharmacy counter because of their illegal use to make methamphetamine. You'll need to ask your pharmacist and show identification to buy these drugs.





Non-steroidal nasal sprays

Nasally used 3–4 times a day


Stinging in nose or sneezing; can help prevent symptoms of allergic rhinitis if used before symptoms start

NasalCrom (cromolyn sodium)


Atrovent (ipratropium bromide)





Leukotriene receptor antagonist

Orally once a day (comes in granules to mix with food, and chewable tablets)


Headache, ear infection, sore throat, upper respiratory infection

Singulair (montelukast sodium)

This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.


كيف تحافظ على البروستاتا التهاب البروستاتا

 البروستاتا هى التى تفرز معظم السائل المنوى.
سبب إلتهاب البروستاتا بكنيريا ومعظم الأحوال السبب غير معروف.
 أعراض إلتهاب البروستاتا المزمن يبدأ بأعراض خفيفة ثم تزيد بعد أسابيع أو شهور:
i. رغبة فى التبول ولكن كمية البول قليلة.
ii. حرقان عند التبول.
iii. مشكلة فى بداية التبول ،يبدأ بموجات وليس تياراً مستمراً ،التدفق ضعيف ، تنقيط بول بعد إنتهاء التبول.
iv. شعور بعدم تفريغ المثانة.
v. الإستيقاظ ليلاً بكثرة للتبول.
vi. وجع وألم وثقل فى المنطقة مابين الخصيتين والشرج أو فى أسفل الظهر ، ويزيد الوجع مع التبرز.
vii. ألم أثناء أو بعد القذف.
viii. ألم فى مقدمة القضيب.

إلتهاب البروستاتا الحاد مثل ماسبق لكنها تأتى فجأة وممكن يصاحبها حرارة .

 كيف نشخص البروستاتا :


2- الوقاية والعلاج
الوقاية - أنت قادر على منع إلتهاب البروستات بوساطة:
1- إحتفاظ بمنطقة الحوض والقضيب في منتهى النظافة.
2- شرب السوائل والمياه بكثرة وعدم حبس البول.
3- عالج إلتهابات الجهاز البولي بسرعة.

 ما هي الأشياء التى تزيد من مخاطر إلتهاب البروستات؟
1- إلتهاب مسالك بولية حديث
2- تركيب قسطرة من خلال القضيب.
3- مرض تناسلي جنسى مثل السيلان.
4- إصابة عند ركوب موتوسيكل أو حصان على سبيل المثال.

متى تتجه إلى الطبيب مباشرة؟
1- حرقان فى البول وألم مستمر فى أسفل الظهر أو الخصيتين أو القضيب أو المنطقة مابين الخصيتين والشرج، أو ألم أثناء القذف أو عند حركة الأمعاء أثناء التبرز.
2- إلتهابات بولية متكررة.
3- إفرازات متكررة من القضيب أو قروح على الجهاز التناسلى.
4- زيادة عدد مرات التبول ليلاً، أو مشكلة فى بداية التبول، نقص تيار البول، تبول متكرر لاعلاقة له بكميات السوائل.

التحاليل المساعدة:
1- التحاليل المبدئية للبول من الممكن أن تحسم الأمر ولكن متى تكون التحاليل الإضافية ضرورية.
2- عندما لا تتحسن الأعراض على الرغم من العلاج.
3- إذا ما زال المريض يتعرض لإلتهابات متكررة.
4- إذا كان الطبيب يشك فى المثانة أو سرطان البروستات.
5- إذا كان هناك شك فى مضاعفات إلتهاب البروستات مثل الخراج.

 ماهى هذه التحاليل؟
1- صورة دم كاملة.
2- مزرعة.
3- أشعة مقطعية، رنين مغناطيسى.
4- Transrectal ultrasound سونار من خلال الشرج.
5- (Prostate specific antigen PSA) أنتيجين لتحديد سرطان البروستاتا ويجب أن يجرى هذا التحليل كل من تعدى الخامسة والأربعين كل عام.

3 - علاج التهاب البروستاتا
فلسفة العلاج:

· إلتهاب البروستاتا يعالج من خلال كورس مضاد حيوى وممكن أن يستمر العلاج من شهرين إلى ثلاثة شهور
أحياناً، لو إستمر الحال على ماهو عليه بدون تقدم يجب إعادة التحاليل ومزيد منها.
· فى إلتهاب البروستاتا الحاد يجب أن يركز العلاج على شفاء الحالة وأيضاً على منع المضاعفات، بالمضادات
الحيوية ومسكنات الألم ومخفضات الحرارة، ومسهلات البراز، والراحة وشرب السوائل.
· لو كنت غير قادر على التبول أو محتاج مضادات حيوية عن طريق الوريد لابد من حجزك فى المستشفى.
· معظم المرضى يتم شفاءهم فى 4إلى 6 أسابيع.
· فى حالة إلتهاب البروستاتا المزمن يستمر العلاج من 6 إلى 12 أسبوع.
· حصوات البروستاتا تؤخر الشفاء وغالباً تحتاج إلى تدخل جراحى.
· اللجوء إلى الجراحة أيضاً فى حالة ضيق عنق المثانة أو مجرى البول.
· إستئصال البروستاتا إجراء أخير يلجأ إليه الجراح فى حالة عدم شفاء الإلتهابات المتكررة.
 ماذا تفعل فى المنزل؟
· تناول أغذية مليئة بالألياف لكى تتجنب الإمساك.
· إشرب سوائل كثيرة.
· تناول ألأدوية المسكنة التى بدون روشتة مثل الأسبرين.

 العلاج الدوائى:
· المضادات الحيوية.
· مسكنات مثل البروفين.
· باسطات العضلات.
· مثبطات ألفا.
· أدوية تبطئ تضخم البروستاتا (finasteride).
· مهدئات لتخفيف التوتر.
4 - تضخم البروستاتا Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - BPH

بروستاتا متضخمة (مجرى البول ضيق) بروستاتا طبيعية
ملاحظات مبدئية:
تضخم البروستاتا الحميد ليس سرطاناً وإنما هو رفيق طبيعى لكبر السن .
من الممكن أن يسبب أعراض صعوبة متوسطة فى البول من الممكن التحكم فيها بعلاجات منزلية .
العلاج يخفف الأعراض ولكن لا يقضى عليها نهائياً، وأحياناً تكون أعراضه الجانبية من دوخة وصداع وفقدان رغبة جنسية أسوأ على المريض من أعراض التضخم نفسه!!!.
 لو وجدت حصوات مثانة أو إلتهابات شديدة ينصح بالجراحة .

تعريف تضخم البروستاتا:
 تضخم فى غدة البروستاتا التى تحيط بجزء من مجرى البول urethra الذى هو ممر أو أنبوبة تنقل البول إلى الخارج.
 نصف الرجال فوق الخمسين لديهم تضخم فى البروستاتا.
 سبب هذا التضخم تغيرات طبيعية فى الهورمونات ونمو الخلايا بسبب تقدم السن.

 تنقيط فى التبول .
 شعور حاد بالرغبة فى التبول ومن الممكن أن توقظك ليلاً.
 ضعف تيار البول.
 شعور بعدم تفريغ المثانة بعد إتمام التبول.
لو تقدمت الحالة وحدث إنسداد كامل لمجرى البول URINARY RETENSION النتيجة إنحباس بول .
 لا تتطور الحالة إلى سرطان ومن الممكن أن ينجب الرجل وعادة لا يحدث معها عجز جنسى كما هو الشائع عنها عند العامة.

كيف يتم التشخيص؟
 من خلال التاريخ المرضى والأعراض.
 من خلال الفحص الشرجى الذى يحدد من خلاله حجم البروستاتا.
تحليل البول.
إستثناء سرطان البروستاتا بتحليل PSA.
أسئلة عن شدة الحالة وتاريخ تطورها لذلك لا بد من متابعة مستمرة.
 لكى تعرف مدى تطور وسوء أعراض التبول المصاحبة لتضخم البروستاتا برجاء الإطلاع على هذا الجدول:
5 - علاج تضخم البروستاتا الحميد
 العلاج المنزلى: (فى حالة التضخم البسيط)
 جرب مايسمى التبول المزدوج، إسترح بضع دقائق بعد التبول ثم عاود ثانية.
إسترخى قليلاً قبل التبول.
خذ وقتك أثناء التبول.
 حاول أن تتبول وأنت جالس وليس وأنت واقف.
 فكر فى أشياء أخرى ووزع إهتمامك ومن الممكن أن تقرأ جريدة أثناء التبول. 
من الممكن أن تفتح صنبوراً للمياه يساعدك على التبول.
لا تمنع نفسك من تناول المياه خوفاً من كثرة التبول لأنك ستصاب بالجفاف وستحدث مضاعفات.
 إشرب مياه طوال اليوم.
 لو وجدت نفسك تستيقظ كثيراً أثناء الليل، قلل من تناول المياه ليلاً، وفرغ المثانة جيداً قبل النوم.
 قلل الكافيين والكحول.
 قلل الأدوية التى تجعل التبول صعباً مثل بعض مضادات الحساسية، قابضات الأوعية الدموية، بخاخات الأنف.
 العلاج الدوائى:
 مثبطات ألفا : terazosin (Hytrin), doxazosin (Cardura), tamsulosin (Flomax), prazosin (Minipress), and alfuzosin (Uroxatral)
وكل هذه الأنواع من مثبطات ألفا تحسن الأعراض ولكنها لا تقلل حجم التضخم.
5-alpha reductase inhibitors مضادات 5 ألفا ريدكتاز : (finasteride (Proscar) or dutasteride Avodart),
تقلل الحجم ومن الممكن أن تحسن الأعراض ولكن خلال ستة شهور وتقلل نسبة أنزيم ال PSA.
 العلاج الجراحى: متى تحتاج الجراحة؟
 إذا حدث حصر فى التبول، من الممكن تجربة القسطرة وإذا فشلت الإتجاه فوراً إلى الجراحة.
 لو حدث إنسداد جزئى فى مجرى البول، نتج عنه إلتهابات أو حصوات.
دم فى البول لا يتحسن أو يختفى.
 تلف فى الكلى.

مشاركه بواسطة  سديم

Thursday, September 22, 2011

حزب الوسط بصدد عمل قافلة طبية بغرب الاسكندرية

إن شاء الله، حزب الوسط بصدد عمل قافلة طبية بغرب الاسكندرية بعد العيد ونحتاج من سيادتكم إلى التطوع بالوقت كمشاركة في القافلة في التخصصات المختلفة وإلى أفكار وإلى عينات أدوية تستطيعون التبرع بها. التواصل معي بعد إذنكم ورقمي 0127865141. مع جزيل الشكر


MRSA Infections Bringing More Children to Hospital -


Monday, September 19, 2011

تنبيه : للسادة الأطباء الناخبين

تنبيه : للسادة الأطباء الناخبين:
• سيتم إجراء الانتخابات فى مقرات النقابات الفرعية المعلن عنها فى كل نقابة فرعية
• على كل طبيب مراجعة نقابته الفرعية لمعرفة المكان الذى سيدلى فيه بصوته
• ستقوم النقابة العامة بإعلان جميع هذه المقرات فى صحيفتين قبل إجراء موعد الانتخابات بأسبوع على الأقل كما ينص قانون النقابة
• موعد التصويت يبدأ من التاسعة صباحاً وينتهى فى الخامسة مساءً يوم الجمعة 14/10/2011
ملحوظة هامة جداً : طبقاً لقانون النقابة أن الإبداء بالصوت يكون بكتابة اسم المرشح بالقلم الحبر الجاف فى الخانات المعدة لذلك وليس بعلامة ( صح ) أمام الإسم فى الاستمارة
اللجنة العليا للإشراف على الانتخابات


تدعوكم نقابة اطباء مصر مقر الاسكندرية لحضور الوقفه الاحتجاجية يوم الاحد القادم

نقابة الاطباء مقر الاسكندرية
ايامنا من النقابه بدورها في الوقوف بجانب الاطباء والمطالبة المستمرة بحقوقهم
تدعوكم نقابة اطباء مصر مقر الاسكندرية لحضور الوقفه الاحتجاجية يوم الاحد القادم الساعه 1 ظهرا امام مديرية الشئون الصحية للمطالبة بصرف حافز ال 200% والذي تم صرفه لقطاعات مختلفة من موظفي الدولة ولم يتم صرفه للاطباء حتى الان
كن ايجابيا وشارك في استرداد حقك


Friday, September 16, 2011

الوفد - أباظة: حركة تغييرات لمديري المستشفيات

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[PCM] Pfizer Wins Viagra Patent Trial + Vacancies [1 Attachment]

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Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 16:44:15 +0200
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Pharmacists_ coffee magazine
Electronic Edition
Edition No. 419, year 4
August 19, 2011
Today's edition sent to:
24,997 Arabian Pharmacists

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Today in Hot pharma news







Medicine of the week

Mycophenolic acid

Mycophenolic acid (INN) (pronounced /ˌmaɪkoʊfɨˈnɒlɪk/) or mycophenolate is an immunosuppressant drug used to prevent rejection in organ transplantation. It was initially marketed as the prodrug mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) to improve oral bioavailability. More recently, the salt mycophenolate sodium has also been introduced. Mycophenolic acid is commonly marketed under the trade names CellCept (mycophenolate mofetil; Roche) and Myfortic (mycophenolate sodium; Novartis).


In general, mycophenolate is used for the prevention of organ transplant rejection. Mycophenolate mofetil is indicated for the prevention of organ transplant rejection in adults and renal transplant rejection in children over 2 years; whereas mycophenolate sodium is indicated for the prevention of renal transplant rejection in adults. Mycophenolate sodium has also been used for the prevention of rejection in liver, heart, and/or lung transplants in children >2 years.[1]

An immunosuppressant that has drastically decreased the incidence of acute rejection in solid transplant recipients, mycophenolate is increasingly utilized as a steroid sparing treatment in immune-mediated disorders including immunoglobulin A nephropathy, small vessel vasculitides, and psoriasis.[2]

Its increasing application in treating lupus nephritis has demonstrated more frequent complete response and less frequent complications [2] compared to cyclophosphamide bolus therapy, a regimen with risk of bone marrow suppression, infertility, and malignancy.[3] Further work addressing maintenance therapy demonstrated mycophenolate superior to cyclophosphamide, again in terms of response and side-effects.[3] Walsh et al. even propose that mycophenolate should be considered as a first-line induction therapy for treatment of lupus nephritis in patients without renal dysfunction,[4] suggesting that mycophenolate will be encountered more frequently in medical practice.

Adverse effects:

Common adverse drug reactions (≥1% of patients) associated with mycophenolate therapy include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, infections, leukopenia, and/or anemia. Mycophenolate sodium is also commonly associated with fatigue, headache, and/or cough. Intravenous (IV) administration of mycophenolate mofetil is also commonly associated with thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. Infrequent adverse effects (0.1–1% of patients) include esophagitis, gastritis, gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage, and/or invasive cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.[1] Several cases of pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) have also been reported.[10]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an alert that patients on mycophenolate mofetil and mycophenolic acid are at increased risk of opportunistic infections, such as activation of latent viral infections, including BK-virus associated nephropathy. In addition the FDA is investigating 16 patients that developed a rare neurological disease while taking the drug. The neurological condition known as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy attacks the brain and central nervous system and is usually fatal.[11]

Mycophenolic acid is associated with miscarriage and congenital malformations when used during pregnancy, and should be avoided whenever possible by women trying to conceive.



















+ Add a vacancy




Med. Representatives urgently required for KSA

A leading Pharmaceutical company based in KSA,
is looking for highly qualified
Med. Representatives
1- Minimum 2 years experience in pharmaceutical Company.
2- Age not more than 28 years.
3- Good command of English and computer skills.
4- Pharmacist or vet.
5- Self motivated, reliable, honest, and hard worker.
6- A valid Saudi driving license
7- Available Iqama transfer
If you have all these qualifications send your C.V. by e-mail to:




Pharmacy in Jeddah

Needs pharmacist i3ara

Have pharmacy practice & profession license from health affair

Experience in Saudi market

Transferable iqama

Please send your CV to:




Medical Representative – Riyadh

A growing Cosmoceutical company is seeking to recruit Ambitious,

Dynamic, Self motivated, Hard worker Medical Representative .

*Bachelor degree of pharmacy, Veterinary medicine or science.

*Age less than 30 years.

*Previous experience as a medical rep.

Kindly send your CV to E-mail:




Male Medical Representative – Riyadh

A Cosmoceutical company is seeking to recruit

Ambitious, Dynamic, Self motivated, Hard worker  Medical Representative.

Kindly send your CV to :




Medical representatives in central & eastern province

A fast growing pharmaceutical company is seeking to hire

Medical representatives in central & eastern province

Bachelor of pharmacy

Age not more than 28

Previous experience at least 1 year in the KSA market as med rep is a must.

Self-motivated, team work member, ambitious, dynamic, career-oriented.

Have excellent communication skills in English & Arabic.

Valid transferable Iqama.

Kindly send your CV with a recent photo maximum one week through:




Product Specialist (W.Z)

A Multinational Pharmaceutical Company is seeking for Product Specialist with the following criteria:-

1- At least 1-2 years Institution experience in a multinational company in West Area is a MUST.

2-Age NOT more than 28 years

If you are interested ; please send your updated C.V within one week to:


Kindly mention the name & Company in the subject field. Best of luck for all.



Medical company

Fast growing medical company need
1-Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy OR Veterinary Medicine
2-Age Not More Than 29 Years
3-Having a Valid Transferable Iqama
4-Having a Valid Saudi Driving License
5-One to Two Years Experience in a Reputable Pharmaceutical Company
6-Fluent in English
7-Good Computer Skills
IF You Have the Above Mentioned Criteria, You Are Kindly Requested to Send You're C.V with a Recent Photo WITHIN 5 DAYS to:











Egypt to KSA


+ Add a vacancy 


Pharmacist Saudi Arabia

Egyptian pharmacist required for pharmacy in Saudi Arabia - El-Ehsaa' region - Eastern area

1-    Basic salary: 3500 SAR

2-    House allowance

3-    10 working hours

4-    One day off weekly

5-    Medical insurance for candidate and wife


1-    Pharmacy graduate

2-    5 years experience at least

3-    Age not more than 33 years

4-    Valid pharmacy practice & profession license

Please send your CV to:






+ Add a vacancy 








Egypt to Egypt

 + Add a vacancy





Where people are respected you will find passion of work

Servier is a leading multinational pharmaceutical company

Looking to fill in the following vacancies

Medical representatives for all governorates


-       B.Sc. pharmacy or medicine

-       Preferably 1-2 years of experience

-       Fresh graduates are also needed

-       Completed or exempted from military service

-       Age below 28 years

-       Good command of English language

-       Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills

Successful candidates are offered:

·         Decent compensation package

·         Recognition development

·         Professional corporate culture

Interested applicants are requested to send their CVs with a recent photo by maximum September 1st to:


Stating the job title in the subject line



Liptis pharmaceuticals – Tanta office

_ needs med. rep. in the following area:
_Suez , Ismaia and Bnaha
_the selected member must be vet. or pharmacist only.
_resident in required area only.
_one year experience at least
_interview will applied next Sunday & Monday IN TANTA OFFICE
send c.v. to:





Sedico Co.

Sedico biotechnology unit division recruiting a new medical reps. to occupy;

EL-Sayeda Zeineb, Manial, down town, Maadi, Mohandeseen, Imbaba, Dokki

For only interested pharmacists, vets who had no governmental obligations Kindly send your C.V to:


  • Excellent package
  • Care loan
  • Health insurance
  • Very motivating incentive scheme



Minapharm Pharmaceutical

needs sooner Med Reps pharmacist or Vet.only

Please send your CV with recent photo on:


with my best wishes

Dr.Amir Lotfy

District Manager Minapharm


Future Pharmaceutical Industries "FPI"

Better Health …. Better Future

Newly established fast growing pharmaceutical company having a current GMP plant in Badr City, EGYPT seeking to employ ambitious, qualified, potential, serious, and career targeting personnel for the following vacancies in Delta

Product Specialst : experience in immunosupressive products at least 1 year, pharmacist or vet, age below 27 years, resident in Mansoura, Tanta, Mehalla, Zagazig

Medical Rep : at least 1 year experience, pharmacist or vet,age below 27 years, resident in Tanta city only

Kindly send your CV as soon as possible to:


stating the position and the city in the subject field



urgently needed….

We are Well established company with excellent product portoflio including CVS,CNS,GIT and Dermatological products.
we are looking for suitable candidates to be recruited in MANSOURA City and FRENCH LINE.If you are :
1)Pharmacist or Vet.
2)Female or male.
3)Age below 26 years.
4)Experience is an asset.
We offer competitive package including comparable monthly salary, car policy, health and life insurance.
and moreover healthy atmosphere encouraging you to develop yourself and building up your career pathway.
If you are that candidate whom we are searching, You are so welcomed to send your updated C.V. to:




Liptis pharmaceuticals has a vacant in Suez only

_medical rep.
_ must be vet. Or pharmacist only.
_resident in Suez is a must .
_one year experience at lest.
_fluent in English & computer skills.
_valid driving license .
_an c.v. Not matched with above criteria will not be considered.

send c.v. to:





Tabuk pharmaceutical COMPANY

Cairo resident

El-Marg - Ezbet ElNakhl - Masr El-Gedida - Nasr City - Mohandeseen - Dokki - Wust El-Balad

Please send your CV to:




Career Opportunity in a Reputable Pharmaceutical Company

Medical  Rep. Needed
– For Ismailia – Kalyobia – Mnofia
– Experience at least 6 month
– Candidate should be (vet, pharmacist or science biology)
– Male or Female
– We are offering competitive salary & medical insurance.
– please send your CV with recent photo to:


within  one Week
Thank you



TAG Pharma

Due to expansions need
1- Part time medical rep. ( PTM )
2- Full time medical rep. ( FTM )
3- Senior act as supervisor. ( SSV )
4- Field Force supervisor. ( FFS )
the right candidate should be
a-Pharmacist, Vet or science graduate
b-experience or fresh graduates are welcomed
For all governorates
we offer attractive package
Send your C.V within 10 days to
Fax: 22732572




Sedico co.

Sedico biotechnology unit division recruiting a new medical reps. to occupy;

EL-Sayeda Zeineb, Manial, down town, Maadi, Mohandeseen, Imbaba, Dokki

For only interested pharmacists, vets who had no governmental obligations Kindly send your C.V to:


■Excellent package ■Care loan ■Health insurance ■Very motivating incentive scheme



Giza Med. Rep.

Fast growing pharmaceutical company urgently need Med. rep.s to be hired at areas of

1- Imbaba

2- Mohandesin

3- Faisal

4- Giza & its centers

car allowance & experience will be considered

kindly send C.V to




Medical Representatives ( Quena, Luxor & Aswan)

A well established pharmaceutical company is looking for  " Medical Representatives"  in Quena, luxor & Aswan .

Science, Vet., Physician, Pharmacist or Dentist.

Please send your C.V. with recent photo to:





Medical Representatives (Maadi, Helwan, Ain Shams, Zaiton))

A well established pharmaceutical company is looking for " Medical Representatives" in Maadi, Helwan, Ain Shams & Zaiton.

Science, Vet., Physician, Pharmacist or Dentist.

Please send your C.V. with recent photo to:





Sedico biotechnonogy

Medical rep in Sedico biotechnonogy business unit in Alex,

rep should be below 27 y pharmacist or vet only , We offer good package & own car policy is applied.

please send c.v with in one week to:




Sedico com.

Sedico Biotechnology  business unit  need to hire a new medical reps. to occupy;

Heliopolis, Nasr city, Hadayek, Shubra, Portsaid, Ismailia

For only interested pharmacists, vets who had no governmental obligations Kindly send your C.V to:


  • Excellent package
  • Care loan
  • Health insurance
  • Very motivating incentive scheme



Female medical reps urgently required

for an international pharmaceutical organization concerning family planning and contraception

female reps required all governorates the candidate should be enthusiastic  with a high communicative personality ….

kindly send your cv to:




Agency required

Pharmaceutical company requires agency for its products at Upper Egypt.

for more details

Call: 0108389831



Med rep for multinational co.

multinational company requires med rep vet and pharmacist  with past exp. at following areas

1- Suez resident

2- Ismailia resident

3- Benha resident

please send your CV for the following email


 within 4 days max




SANKOM Switzerland

SANKOM Switzerland one of leading company in the slimming and weight programs, start to launch its new generation products in Egypt (

SANKOM is looking to recruit Medical and Marketing Reps. in great Cairo and Alexandria area:

  • Pharmacist , Vet. Or Science.
  • Age Up to 27 years.
  • Enthusiastic and Self Motivated.
  • Good command of English and computer skills.

SANKOM Switzerland offer Healthy workplace, career development, Attractive salary.

Please insert your Graduate on subject box (ex. Science)

Kindly send your CV With a recent photo to:




Medical Reps for Liptis Nutrition Egypt

Medical Reps for Liptis Nutrition Egypt

Liptis Nutrition Egypt  announces
about vacant position:

Full time Medical Representative(  Assiut  )

candidate must be:

1-  Pharmacy or Vet  graduate.

2. below 28 years

3-  English Language Knowledge is a must.

4- Computer skills is a must

5-  One year experience is an asset.

6-  Holding a Valid Driving License.

7- Assiut resident

so please share that with others and send me C.V's to:





Career opportunity in a multinational pharmaceutical company

Nanogen is one of the world's leading research-based hair care companies. We have a challenging and inspiring mission to improve the quality of human life by innovation of a professional hair care products .

With a firm foundation in science, we discover develop, manufacture and distribute prescription Hair care products with Nano-technology.

In pursuance of our growth objectives opportunity now exists for a bright, self-starting and talented young person to join our company as:

1. Medical representative  Full Time Cairo ( Ref. 001 )

2. Medical representative  Part  Time Cairo ( Ref. 002 )

Pharmacist or vet either newly graduate or one year experience, good command of English language with excellent communication skills

3. Sales representative Cairo. (Ref. 003)

Hard worker having special calculation skills with analytical personality

Resumes should be sent to:


within one week.



For multinational pharmaceutical company

A leading multinational pharmaceutical company is seeking to recruit medical representatives in Kalioubia , menofia, gharbia , kafr elshikh & in behera for Expansion with the following criteria:
-male or Female

-Good command of English language

Good Computer and office user

- Excellent Communications skills

-Preferred vet or pharmacist or science

this vacant is for OTC line

Interested candidates can send C.V. to:




Multinational company

we are seeking for med.rep for the following



experience at least 6 month

pharmacist, veterinary, dentist, physician.

we are offering very competitive salary & own car&

medical insurance.

please send your CV to:




Pharma_Care Egypt

we are fast growing pharmaceutical company seeking for:

1-fresh graduate medical rep. for Alex – Behaira region ref—-1

2-experience medical rep. for Alex region ref——2

3_field force supervisor Alex ,Behaira ,Kafr el _sheikh ref—-3
all must be science, vet.,or pharmacist….
kindly send your c.v to:





promo-PHARMA [ Pharmaceutical Advertising & Training ] would like to hire new trainers who has a good experience as trainer / instructor in the field of pharmaceutical sales and marketing.

It would be better to have experience as product manager and/or sales manager for 2 years at least, with excellent presentation skills.

Candidates should be familiar with e-learning application software and video conference.

Please send your CV to:




Fast Growing Pharmaceutical Company

Fast growing pharmaceutical company is looking forward to recruit high skillful calibers in the following regions

Great Cairo,  Delta & Alex to fulfill the following positions:

1- Med. Reps   pharmacists ,vet, science, physician

2- Dist. managers

Send your C.V to:




Medical Representative

Fast growing Pharmaceutical Co. Is in need to

Medical Representative

-Full Time , Part Time

- Resident ( Port Said, Ismalia , Suez , Sharkia )

-Pharmacist , Vet (Fresh or Experience )

-Age not more than 27 years

-Self Motivated

- Computer Skills

Interested Candidate to send their C.V.s to:




Excellent opportunity – Product Specialist at Inspire

Inspire Pharma invites high-caliber candidates to apply for the new line opening for 'Product Specialist' position for Alexandria as per the following requirements:

  • 1 year experience in a similar position.
  • Fluency in English & excellent computer skills.
  • Valid driving license.

Exceptional & very competitive package will be offered to the right candidates based on experience. Interested candidates are invited to apply by sending their updated resumes with recent photo to:




Advanced pharmacuiticals ind co (Apic)

Apic co seeking for part timer medical rep in all areas in cairo

candidate should be (vet , pharmacist or science biology )

male or female

fresh or experience

send your c.v with recent photo within this week to:




Pharmacy for sale

Pharmacy in El-Marg in high population area for sale for traveling purpose

Old law rent (285 L.E)

Area: 36 meter

Daily income: 800-1000 L.E

Price: 250,000 L.E (including all products)

Tel: 26992452 – 0116174745





Pharmacy for sale – Dakahlia

For travel reasons, pharmacy in Talkha center in the way to Sherbin (In Bossat village) in front of a poly clinic.

not worked. 40 meter.

360 LE Rent. final price 30,000 LE.

for details: 0166124477



Pharmacy in Giza

Needs pharmacists for morning shift

Tel: 37740754



Pharmacy in Sayda Zeinab

Needs pharmacists with experience

Housing is available

Tel: 23936625



Health care company

Requires female pharmacists

Tel: 0128647468



Pharmacy in Maadi

Needs pharmacists

Attractive salaries

Tel: 0197773683 - 0148502233



Abo Ali pharmacies

In October & Sheikh Zayed

Requires pharmacists with experience

Attractive salaries

Tel: 0103033285 - 0185559356



Pharmacy At Hadayek Al-Maadi

Pharmacy at Hadayek Al-Maadi

Pharmacy at hadayek al-maadi near to underground need pharmacists with experience

Tel: 23806421 – 0100020419



Big Pharmacy in Abbass EL Akkad

A Big  Pharmacy in Abbass EL Akkad needs Immediately an experienced male pharmacist for PM shift
contact person Dr/Ali el Said

Tel: 0105113556


Pharmacy in Mahala


1-    Female pharmacist with experience - 8 working hours for morning shift

2-    Female assistant pharmacist from 10:00am to 8:00pm

For more information please call

Tel: 0126745085



Marine pharmacy

need to new graduated pharmacist and need to qualified technician

Tel: 0184168888







Pharmacists_coffee magazine

Electronic Edition 


Emirates to Emirates

   + Add a vacancy




Pharmacist required for a pharmacy.

Contact 050-8987923




Pharmacist / Assistant Pharmacist, with Gulf experience, required in Sharjah.





Pharmacist / Assistant Pharmacist, with Gulf experience, required in Ajman.





Pharmacist, with MOH licence, required for a reputed pharmacy.

Fax your CV to 06-7650022.




Trainee Pharmacist required in Ajman.

Email CV to:





Pharmacist, with MOH license and experience, required for a company.

Fax CV to 04-2858675 / call 04-2857578.




Pharmacist and Assistant Pharmacist, male, with MOH / DOH license, required.






Pharmacist, with HAAD license, required for a hospital in Abu Dhabi.

Email your CV to:





Pharmacist required for a well-reputed pharmacy. To get viewed by employers, post your CV on






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Subscribe to pharmacists_ coffee magazine to receive more vacancies

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Pharmacists_ coffee Magazine

For all Arabian pharmacists



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Boehringer Ingelheim licenses ProBioGen's novel GlymaxX® technology

Friday, 19 August 2011

Boehringer Ingelheim and ProBioGen AG have signed a non-exclusive Licensing Agreement regarding ProBioGen's GlymaxX® technology. Boehringer Ingelheim's Contract Manufacturing Business will apply the technology to enhance ADCC (Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity) activity of antibodies.


FDA approves Zelboraf and companion diagnostic for BRAF mutation-positive metastatic melanoma

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Zelboraf (vemurafenib) for the treatment of BRAF V600E mutation-positive, inoperable or metastatic melanoma, as determined by an FDA-approved test.


Nycomed reports double-digit growth across emerging markets in second quarter 2011

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Nycomed today announced results for the second quarter of 2011, achieving double digit growth across emerging markets. Good progress was made in Key Products, particularly in the respiratory area.


GSK and Impax announce positive topline results of ASCEND-PD Phase III study

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Impax Pharmaceuticals, the branded products division of Impax Laboratories, Inc. (NASDAQ: IPXL) announced top-line results of the ASCEND-PD Phase III clinical study of IPX066 versus carbidopa-levodopa plus entacapone (CLE), in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD).


Pfizer Wins Viagra Patent Trial

Monday, 15 August 2011

Pfizer Inc. announced today that it has prevailed in its patent infringement action against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.


Bayer to support WHO and Stop Tuberculosis Partnership in fighting tuberculosis

Monday, 15 August 2011

Bayer HealthCare has agreed to support the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Stop TB Partnership in the fight against multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) by making 620,000 tablets of the antibiotic moxifloxacin available to WHO.


Merck and Serum Institute Announce Collaboration

Friday, 12 August 2011

Merck (NYSE: MRK), known outside the United States and Canada as MSD, and Serum Institute of India Limited, an Indian company, announced an agreement to work together to develop and commercialize a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for use in the emerging and developing world countries.





































































------------ --------



Manager's Tips 96)

You Can Learn Anything

started off by asking, "What are the rules or principles for success in this area of activity?"

 then read books, attend courses, & ask everyone u could find for their insights and ideas.

Make ur entire focus has been on discovering the reasons for sales, revenues & profits in each business or industry, &

 then determining how those principles could be best utilized to achieve the results of the most successful companies.

So by knowing the role model of success, u can simple imitate it & may be modify on it a little & u make the same success & even better


Get More Skills Emails

Bahgat LinkedIn

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------------ ------




Book No.52
Book name: 

HR-Field Guide 5 Tips To Effective Hiring and Recruiting

Category: Sales

Download link





Pharmacists_ coffee magazine Electronic Editions

Kipp IQ enterprises limited

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